The workshops listed below are taught by Dr. Susan Barry.
- We can work together to find a date for any of the workshops.
- Pre-registration and pre- payment at least one week in advance are needed.
Core Workshops:
Animal Guides – Five-hour workshop.
Astral Travel – Three-hour workshop.
Astrology – Two three-hour workshops/One six-hour workshop on a weekend day.
Auras and Chakras – Three two and a half hour workshops/One 7.5 hour workshop on a weekend.
Creating Your Intuitive Way – Four three-hour workshops (all four for $150).
Crystal Healing –Two three-hour workshops/One six-hour workshop on a weekend day.
Dream Interpretation – Four-hour workshop.
Feng Shui – Two three-hour workshops/One six-hour workshop on a weekend day.
Finding Your Life’s Purpose/Goal Setting – Two three-hour workshops/One six-hour workshop on a weekend day.
I Ching – Three-hour workshop.
Journaling – Three-hour workshop.
Law of Attraction (plus six more spiritual laws) – Four-hour workshop.
Listen to Your Inner Voice/Intuitive Development – Two three-hour workshops/One six-hour workshop on a weekend day.
Labyrinth – Three-hour workshop.
Meditation – Three-hour workshop.
Numerology – Four-hour workshop.
Palmistry – Two-hour workshop
Past Lives – Four-hour workshop.
Pendulum and Muscle Testing/Dousing – Three-hour workshop.
Quantum Metaphysics – Two three-hour workshops/One six-hour workshop on a weekend.
Runes – Three-hour workshop.
Spirit Guides – Five-hour workshop.
Spiritual Journey of Healing – Four-hour workshop.
Tarot – Two three-hour workshops/One six-hour workshop on a weekend day.
The Power of Breath – Three-hour workshop.
Vortex/Ley Lines – Four-hour workshop.
Reiki I – Saturday and Sunday, 9am-4pm. Cost for both days is $350; $175 to audit.
Reiki II – Saturday and Sunday, 9am-4pm both days. Must have taken Reiki I a minimum of three months previously. Both days for $450; $225 to audit.
Reiki Master Path – Specific dates will be set by those taking this workshop along with Dr. Barry. This year long teaching meets once or twice per month plus attendance at Reiki Sharing Groups for the year. Must have finished Reiki I and Reiki II a minimum of six months previously. Cost is $150/month (for a total of $1800) or $1550 if made in one payment prior to beginning the first month’s class. The same fees apply for those who are auditing.